Week in Review 1
Welcome to our first week in review post. We do so many small projects around the farm that would not make up their own posts. I thought we could do weekly recaps to showcase some of the smaller but yet still very important things that we get done every week!
I found penguin outside of his pen with some torn feathers. After spraying him down with chicken antiseptic, I put him in the quarantine pen until Evan got home. Evan checked him over as we were afraid one of the cats tried to grab him, but we did not see any puncture marks. Penguin was still eating and drinking; however, he was doing it lying down. We put him back in the main pen with the other small chickens, and our big fluffy white “silkies” immediately attacked him. Our best guess is they tried to attack him, so penguin flew the coop! Evan and I rounded up the two bigger “silkies” and relocated them to the big coop.
A deer has come around the same time in the afternoons to snack on the pear trees! I named her Millie. This is her Monday siting 🙂
Little Big begging for some of Evan’s crab dinner!
Clem loves to try and attack me from behind! Even though I’m the one who feeds him, I am his favorite human to attack!
The heat has been intense! Little Bit even got in on some fan action in the barn! The animals all have access to covered/shaded areas, the back porch, fans, swimming pools and the pond to cool off during these hot days! Nora LOVES sitting in the edge of the water to cool off.
Millie on Tuesday.
Removing Webworms
Our pecan trees have webworms in them, so Evan devised a fire stick which works well to burn the webs out of the trees. However, rain stopped us Tuesday after finishing 3 of the trees. Click below to watch Evan in action!
The weather changed so fast on Tuesday!
Evan tried to finish burning the webs after the rainstorm, but everything was too wet. After this, our neighbors stopped by and we picked the rest of our corn, shucked it and stored it all in the freezer!
Ended the night with a rainbow!
Wednesday: Happy 4th of July
Evan and I both had Wednesday off for the holiday. We woke to beautiful weather. Evan wanted to rework his desk as both of our desks got wet and moldy when the storage trailer leaked, so I went for a 3 mile run while he worked!
Pre Run weather
We took a boat cruise in the river along our property edge, and the dogs Loved it! I thought Copper would knock Nora in, but we all made it back completely dry!
I uploaded our Edinburgh Castle tour blog post! Click here!
We also burned some trash. I really don’t know what else we did, because I did not take a single picture!
Hooray Weekend!
First, I finished my run before the sun was high over head!
Evan sent me to work cleaning out the shed. We packed up over 2 years ago, and we FINALLY unpacked all of our boxes! I opened the rest of my things in the shed, organized them into goodwill and house, then moved everything inside! Then, Dad came to visit and helped by acting as door guard so Fish didn’t escape! (Thanks Dad!)
The cats heard the shed doors go up and they came running! They loved helping me go through all the boxes.
Dad got to see Millie and she brought her baby!!
We picked watermelons and cantaloupes and the end of the corn!
Golf cart rides with Nora!
While I worked on Saturday, Evan unpacked his office boxes. Then, we burned all the empty ones in our burn barrels!
After this, Evan cut grass in the rain and I watched gymnastics. Thank you to USAG for live streaming the meet! (Even though you left out some really important routines!)
What a great day!! We slept in until 7!!!! It was only 71 degrees when I went out to feed the animals! How amazing!
Nora loved the cool weather too!
We completely emptied the shed! Now all of the lawn mowers fit in without having to play tetris!
Evan worked in the garden with Marvin and Jacob while I finished putting everything away in my upstairs room. Very accomplished weekend!
Ended the weekend with this beautiful sunset!
I hope y’all enjoyed this first weekly recap! Hopefully, this will help keep me straight while making my year in review book! This week, keep an eye out for our pickle making process as well as our Arthur’s Seat hiking experience!
Happy Monday!
<3 Ali and Evan