Week in Review 3
Welcome to our newest installment of Week in Review! This was another quiet week on the farm as Evan was unable to tackle much. Now that he is on the mend, I am sure our project list will continue to grow!
Amazon Prime Day! What a Fiasco! In my opinion, this was not as good as last year. I did grab an apple gift card, but didn’t find anything else we really needed. Evan’s prime day package arrived completely empty! I did start on our second week in review post, but I got so fed up with the internet/amazon I didn’t finish.
Our second week in review post went live! Check it out here. Tuesday afternoon we experienced on and off rain showers. I got a short run in then tried to finish on the treadmill. Not super exciting! It’s bad when I have to go back and read old text messages to see what we did on Tuesday! Getting old is hard π
This was Evan’s quiet day. I had a super long day at work, so I came home and relaxed as well. Our deer family came to eat from the chicken feeder right as the sun went down.
Sorry these are grainy and super zoomed in. I took video, but it was getting too dark to see them well.
Also caught this guy hanging outside my bedroom window π
Little Bit thought Thursday was another good day for relaxing!
Millie brought her baby back for another visit!
We were all home on Friday. I worked on editing some pictures and posted our next Scotland Trip update. You can check that out here. My dad and my aunt sent me some fun pictures of my mom from her travels around Europe. I loved this one!
I thought she looked super stylish in her glasses and short jacket π
Golf Cart rides dominated the rest of our afternoon!
Back to chores!
We did start the morning with some porch time:)
The baby chicks are still doing well. Momma doesn’t like me taking pictures, but here she is teaching them how to scratch for food. In the wild, they scratch at the ground searching for bugs to eat. She teaches them this with their food now, too. I put a bowl under their house to catch all the food she scratches out!
This view never gets old!
End of another weekend! Evan and I drove all over looking for ethanol free gas for the lawnmowers. When we got home, we spent the rest of the afternoon cutting grass.
Got my cuddles in after I finished.
We’re “borrowing” this little guy to see if he will be Penguin’s Boyfriend! I walked out later last night and found him roosting in the tomato plants. Evan guided him back into the coop, and he eventually flew on top of the brooder house to roost for the night
And, now its Monday again! We should be busier this week since Evan is feeling better! Coming up on the blog this week will be our Stirling Castle in Scotland Review and maybe a day in the life of a farm cat?? Any requests? Hope every has a great start to their week!