Week in Review 4
Another week has come and gone. Some super eggsciting things happened here on the farm this week! I plan to make a whole post about the hatching of our two incubator chickens later this week. Today you get a photo recap of last week on the farm!
Back to work! When I got home, the pups and I took a walk. The cats decided to join, but they all thought it was way too hot to walk all the way down the driveway. You can see in this picture they all chose a different spot of shade to hide.
Our new little rooster loves life on the farm so far. He still needs a name! Cru is the current front runner!
After my walk, Fisher and I worked out in the basement. He just loves post work out selfies 🙂
Thelma always gets a case of the Mondays! Here she is passed out with her tongue sticking out.
The new rooster decided to roost on top of the brooder house. He taught Penguin and Yellow Bird how to fly up there too!
We’ve gotten so much rain this week! I took this after we finished spraying round up on poison ivy. Then, the skies opened up!
Tuesday Run day! I finished my run before the rain!
Wednesdays are my long days at work. I still came home and finished my run even though I was super tired.

post run selfies  Don’t mind the hole in my shirt. $4 from walmart that ripped as soon as I removed the tags
Egg watch began! Evan kept telling me to throw out the eggs in the incubator. I candled the rest and decided the last two needed to stay! I plan to put up a full post recounting the egg watch and hatching of our two baby chicks later this week. Here is a sneak peek until then!
I also posted our Stirling Castle recap on the blog! Check it out here.
No work Hooray! Podium training for US Classics came on Friday on YouTube. Thank you USAG for posting all of this on your YouTube Channel! Friday consisted of chores and continued egg watch! So eggsciting!
Second egg starting to hatch!
Sunset Friday
Saturday, we started tearing up the concrete by the barn for our drainage project. US Classic also came on! So happy to watch. A huge congrats to all the girls for a great meet!
Evan and I spent Sunday morning together starting with breakfast then grocery shopping. When we got home, we finished tearing out the section of concrete. Once we place the drain, I will post a full recap of the project!
Evan didn’t capture me actually lifting the concrete out. So, YES DAD, I was strong enough to remove the pieces! 😉
We now have a barn full of concrete footprints 🙂  Nora took several lake baths to remove the concrete from between her toes!
Another week complete. Stay tuned this week for our incubator stories as well as my recap of our road trip from Oban to the Isle of Skye in Scotland!